Whether you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint or implement a circular economy model, we have the
expertise and knowledge to help you achieve your goals.
Our team of senior experts has years of experience in the field of sustainability, and we work closely with our
clients to develop customized solutions that are tailored to their specific needs.
As ANKA, we provide our services with a network of local and international experts competent in their own

Dr. Özge Yılmaz

Özge Yılmaz has B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from Middle East Technical University (METU) and holds a PhD degree in Environmental Engineering from METU.

She was a Postdoctoral fellow in Clemson University (USA) between 2011 – 2014. She specialized in industrial and hazardous waste management, cleaner production and life cycle assessment topics during her graduate studies.

She contributed to numerous consultancy and R&I projects (Horizon 2020 and ERA-NET programs) as project manager, work package leader and senior sustainability expert between 2014-2021. Her area of concentration on industrial sustainability includes cleaner production, implementation of best available techniques, evaluation of cleaner production activities through LCA and LCC, industrial symbiosis, ICT support platform development to assist sustainable industrial manufacturing, green process design and circular economy.

She has experience in urban sustainability, nature-based solutions, urban greenhouse gas inventory and climate change mitigation action plans. She has also given consultancy to low carbon transportation projects under international programs on carbon finance.

Currently, as the founding partner of ANKA Sustainable Solutions, Dr. Yılmaz carries out consultancy work on improving industrial and urban sustainability under different topics such as circular economy, industrial symbiosis, climate change mitigation and adaptation, ESG and CDP reporting and climate finance. She also works as a Horizon Europe project evaluator for the European Commission under twin transition as well as digitised, resource efficient and resilient industry topics.

Beril Şenyurt

Beril received her B.Sc. and M. Sc. degrees from the Department of Environmental Engineering at Middle East Technical University. She started her career in the manufacturing industry and transferred her 16 years of experience to consultancy in the field of sustainability.

While working for the Turkish Cement Manufacturers’ Association, she provided consultancy for the sector on national environmental legislation, compliance with the European Union (EU) environmental acquis, greenhouse gas monitoring, alternative fuel and secondary raw material use. She represented the Turkish cement industry in European Cement Association’s working groups on EU policies on climate change and waste use.

She worked as an environmental responsible in a leading company with several cement and concrete plants and quarries to ensure their compliance with environmental legislation, to monitor and manage environmental performance, and to develop climate change strategies. Beril has also contributed to the improvement of the company’s circularity through alternative fuel and raw material use.

Beril has taken place in several EU (IPA, Horizon 2020), United Nations and nationally funded R&D and consultancy projects as senior researcher, consultant or team leader.

Her areas of expertise include climate change mitigation and adaptation, cleaner production, best available techniques, industrial symbiosis, circular economy and industrial waste management. Beril also works as a Lead Verifier (certified by the Ministry) within the scope of the national regulation on monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gases for industrial facilities and continues her activities in this field.