Cities are both perpetrators of and causalities of global climate crisis!
We support municipalities in setting future targets and developing their roadmaps for a low carbon and resilient development. In addition to technological solutions, we aspire to incorporate ecosystem based approaches and nature based solutions in urban strategies.
Through integrated solutions, we aim not only to reduce carbon emissions, but also to create resilient and harmonious cities.
Throughout our projects, we aim to establish a mutual collaboration for sharing of experiences and capacity building with municipality teams. While designing your mitigation and adaptation actions, we prioritize to your problems and take your local knowledge into consideration. As necessary, we provide capacity development and training support on the issues you may need regarding local climate action.
While production processes increase the pressure on global resources, increasing costs are pushing both the producer and the consumer towards resource efficiency. Within the scope of cleaner production and resource efficiency (eco-efficiency) projects, we determine the solutions that will increase the competitiveness of your company. We identify areas of improvement specific to your facility by combining environmental practices with joint sectoral experiences.
We’re making the world a
better place, one
idea at a time..
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