Urban Sustainability

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Action Plans

Cities are both perpetrators of and causalities of global climate crisis!
We support municipalities in setting future targets and developing their roadmaps for a low carbon and resilient development. In addition to technological solutions, we aspire to incorporate ecosystem based approaches and nature based solutions in urban strategies.
Through integrated solutions, we aim not only to reduce carbon emissions, but also to create resilient and harmonious cities.

Throughout our projects, we aim to establish a mutual collaboration for sharing of experiences and capacity building with municipality teams. While designing your mitigation and adaptation actions, we prioritize to your problems and take your local knowledge into consideration. As necessary, we provide capacity development and training support on the issues you may need regarding local climate action.

  • Establishing a greenhouse gas emission inventory covering energy use in buildings, transportation, industry and product use, waste / wastewater management, agriculture and livestock sectors
  • Analysis of current situation
  • Setting goals
  • Scenario analysis and projections
  • Identification of mitigation and adaptation actions
  • Creation of the implementation plan
  • Development of monitoring strategy
  • Institutional capacity building and training

  • Contribution to the national climate change endeavours
  • Legal compliance and preparation
  • Reputable and responsible cities
  • Climate resilient cities
  • Traceable / tangible goals
  • International collaboration opportunities and access to funds

Industrial Sustainability

Cleaner Production and Resource Efficiency

While production processes increase the pressure on global resources, increasing costs are pushing both the producer and the consumer towards resource efficiency. Within the scope of cleaner production and resource efficiency (eco-efficiency) projects, we determine the solutions that will increase the competitiveness of your company. We identify areas of improvement specific to your facility by combining environmental practices with joint sectoral experiences.

  • Identification of processes and resource flows (materials, waste, energy) with potential for improvement (hot-spot analysis)
  • Identifying clean production practices for efficient production and business processes
  • Evaluation of the environmental, technical and financial impacts of the proposed practices
  • Ensuring the sustainability of the cleaner production approach with monitoring strategies and training

  • Decreasing resource consumption
  • Increasing competitiveness with lower production costs
  • Reduced product footprint
  • Reduced carbon emissions

Industrial Symbiosis

Did you know that by-products that cannot be used in production and wastes that require costly management can be valuable raw materials for others? With the industrial symbiosis approach, we work to establish mutually beneficial relations with the exchange of waste, by-products, water, and waste heat and to develop shared solutions in the fields of infrastructure, human resources and logistics. We contribute to the circular economy by identifying regional or sectoral industrial symbiosis opportunities. Method
  • Field visits and surveys
  • Identification of potential synergies
  • Organizing synergy workshops and trainings
  • Selecting opportunities and conducting environmental, technical and financial analyzes
  • Concerning the possibilities of industrial symbiosis

  • Generating income by creating value from waste and reducing waste management costs
  • Increasing competitiveness
  • Transition to environmentally friendly production
  • Compliance with current and evolving legal regulations
  • Contribution to green OIZ targets